February 15, 2025

Horizon 3/4 day Mexican waters for Rock cod fishing! (Valid Passport required) Book Here Fishing Saturday and Sunday departing at 7:30AM!

Premier 1/2 day local fishing departing at 6:30AM and 1PM both Saturday and Sunday!  Book Here

Alicia Lobster hooping Saturday and Sunday at 6PM!  Book Here (Both trips are GOING FOR SURE!!!)

New trip just added the Old Glory has a 3/4 day Mexican waters trip departing Saturday February 22 at 7:30AM (Going for sure) Passport is required!  Book your spot here!

Check out the complete schedules for all our boats here 


February13, 2025

Take your sweetheart fishing for Valentines day! The Premier is “GOING FOR SURE” on their 1/2 day trip departing at 6:30AM! They also have a 1PM scheduled to depart!  Book either trip here


See Older News

Contact Info

P: (619) 222-1144 F: (619) 222-0784 E: info@hmlanding.com Location:
2803 Emerson Street
San Diego, CA 92106

Fill out this form and we'll get back to you ASAP.

Nature Cruise January 28, Friday

January 26, 2015

Passengers joined San Diego Natural History Museum Whalers Heather and Judy on
Friday, January 28 for another fantastic day on the water.  They were treated to
seeing 15 gray whales, one doing a “half breach,” a mom and calf pair, and lots
of common dolphins as well as Pacific white-sided dolphins, putting on a
terrific show for all.  Heather, an excellent “birder,” as well as “whaler”
spotted 20 species of birds on the Los Coronados Islands and was very happy with
the experience.  They reported all passengers were thrilled with the cruise.

On Sunday, January 30, passengers, accompanied by Whaler Diane, were in for a
bit more of a rocky ride, due to an approaching storm system.  Though there were
more whitecaps, passengers still were able to see at least 12 gray whales,
enjoyed seeing the Brown Boobies and chick on “Bird Rock,” and saw lots of sea
stars due to a very low tide.  Common dolphins entertained passengers bow-riding
the boat on the return trip to San Diego.  Although there were a few raindrops,
and quite a bit of wind, passengers were thrilled with seeing all the wonderful
life, not only on Los Coronados, but on the beautiful Pacific Ocean.  This has
been a phenomenal year for seeing lots of gray whales on their journey to the
lagoons of Baja, California.

Submitted by Whaler Diane