February 2, 2025

The mighty Alicia has a lobster and crab hooping trip departing Monday at 6PM!  Book Here

Most of our  multi-day schedules are up and ready to book!  Look for your favorite boats schedule here

Book your next fishing adventure here  1/2 Day   *   Full Day   *   Overnight   *


February 1, 2025

Sunday departures

  (1/2 day)  Premier departs at 6:30AM  Book Here

(3/4 day) Malihini departs at 7:30AM!  (fishing in Mexico, valid passport required) Book Here(Going for sure)

(Lobster hooping)  Alicia departing at 6PM! (Going for sure)

 1/2 Day   *   Full Day   *   Overnight   *   Multi-Day *  Complete Calendar


Click here if you are interested in a private party charter for you and your family, friends or co-workers!


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Contact Info

P: (619) 222-1144 F: (619) 222-0784 E: info@hmlanding.com Location:
2803 Emerson Street
San Diego, CA 92106

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Nature Cruise, Saturday January 15

January 15, 2016

A wonderful trip on the Bright and Morning Star today.  We left the dock around 10 with about 85-90 passengers, the majority being Sierra Club members who had chartered the boat.  On board with the Sierra Club was Alicia Retes ( a whaler who lives in the Bay area) and Renee Owens, a biologist who specializes in marine life.  The whalers on board today were Debbie Burnette and Judy Peacock.

It was a nice sunny day and as we made our way into the ocean, a small group of common dolphins was spotted.  The passengers enjoyed photographing them and seeing them bow ride.  As we headed south towards the Coronado Islands we saw “blows” in the distance and our first gray whales were spotted.  There were 3 whales heading south, snorkeling and fluking…but not in the usual pattern. They would take a breath, dive…take a breath, dive.  After staying with them for awhile we continued south to the islands.

The first island to visit was South Island and we went into the cove below the fishing shacks and where the old casino has once been.  The passengers enjoyed seeing the photos of the old casino as it looked in its “hey-day”.  Spotted some sea lions and harbor seals resting on the rocks.  Over on the other side we went into the cove where the elephant seals and some new pups were, along with the sea lions and harbor seals.  Then it was over to Sunset Cove, where more elephant seals and pups were spotted.  Then on to Bird Island and the brown boobies and oyster catchers.  Great photo opportunities for all.  The new brown booby chicks were so cute to see.

Over on Dead Man’s Island we spotted the usual array of Brown Pelicans, sea gulls, cormorants, etc.

As we headed back to San Diego more “blows” in the distance and we were fortunate to have 3 more gray whales snorkeling along in what seemed to be a usual pattern…..they must have felt more comfortable with us.  More common dolphins observed along the way also.  The gray whales continued to snorkel and dive…As we looked south towards the Coronados (from the stern), a couple of breaches in the distance and 2 really tall blows…could it be those fin whales from the day before??

More blows to the east and west of us as we headed in and it seemed as there were whales everywhere we turned…

All in all, a great time and wonderful trip to the de los Coronados…thanks Captain Ben

Judy Peacock