February 15, 2025

Horizon 3/4 day Mexican waters for Rock cod fishing! (Valid Passport required) Book Here Fishing Saturday and Sunday departing at 7:30AM!

Premier 1/2 day local fishing departing at 6:30AM and 1PM both Saturday and Sunday!  Book Here

Alicia Lobster hooping Saturday and Sunday at 6PM!  Book Here (Both trips are GOING FOR SURE!!!)

New trip just added the Old Glory has a 3/4 day Mexican waters trip departing Saturday February 22 at 7:30AM (Going for sure) Passport is required!  Book your spot here!

Check out the complete schedules for all our boats here 


February13, 2025

Take your sweetheart fishing for Valentines day! The Premier is “GOING FOR SURE” on their 1/2 day trip departing at 6:30AM! They also have a 1PM scheduled to depart!  Book either trip here


See Older News

Contact Info

P: (619) 222-1144 F: (619) 222-0784 E: info@hmlanding.com Location:
2803 Emerson Street
San Diego, CA 92106

Fill out this form and we'll get back to you ASAP.

Nature Cruise April 10, 2011

April 10, 2011

Shortly after leaving the dock, passengers joining Museum Whalers Judy and Diane
on board the Bright and Morning Star were able to see a couple of the Navy’s
Atlantic bottlenose dolphins on a training exercise in San Diego Bay.  Heading
to the Los Coronados Islands, some young common dolphins were seen enjoying
Sunday morning brunch.  A small school of Mola Mola’s was noted, followed by
sightings of a couple of larger Mola’s.   The blows of whales were soon spotted,
and everyone got to observe three humpback whales.  Soon the whales were chased
by a pod of offshore bottlenose dolphins…..though the whales didn’t breach
this morning, the dolphins certainly did!   All were delighted with the elephant
seals, harbor seals and sea lions which populate three of the four Islands, and
of course the myriad of sea birds.    One couple from the East coast exclaimed
they had been on many whale watches, but they did not compare with the relaxing
nature of this cruise as well as the sightings of all the marine mammals.
Another passenger from Chicago said she would be sure to return to San Diego
and go out on another Nature Cruise.  As always, this was a great day on the

Submitted by Whaler Diane