Passengers joining whalers Judy and Diane had a great day on the water on
Saturday–warm day, calm seas. Everyone enjoyed seeing hundreds of dolphins
feeding, followed by a good sighting of four Eastern Pacific Gray Whales on
their northern migration. Several black oyster catchers were spotted, and all
enjoyed the graceful flight of the brown boobies. Once again, the Nature Cruise
was a very enjoyable experience for all on board.
Saturday the weather was a little less welcoming, with a cool breeze and
somewhat choppy seas due to a storm headed our way. In spite of somewhat
uncomfortable conditions, passengers and whalers Terry and Diane were thrilled
by the antics of a megapod of common dolphins–probably more than 1,000. A
minke whale was spotted, but it seemed a day of “disappearing whales.” After
enjoying the elephant seals, sea lions and harbor seals, and many sea birds, a
couple more spouts were sighted–but once again we were “given the slip” by the
sneaky whales. Right before entering San Diego Bay the blows of another whale
were observed…and once again the whale got away before we got a good look –
unusual day, but passengers had a good time and many expressed interest in
returning for one of the summer’s blue whale cruises.
Submitted by Whaler Diane