‘Twas the Night Before Christmas, And all across the water not a creature was stirring, not even an otter
Rods were all geared up with fresh line and plastics, in hope that bluefin trips shall be so fantastic.
Anglers were nestled all snug in their beds, visions of tuna danced in their heads.
We all were set in rubbers and glory, while the crew sat down to watch A Christmas Story.
When out on the water arose such a clatter, I sprang from the galley to see what was the matter.
Away to the rail I dashed like a runner, I leaped up and started to chum her.
The moonlight showed the remains of a ripple, the excitement had me frozen, almost a cripple,
When to my wondering eyes did appear, but a giant bluefin I had to commandeer.
Like a little old angler, so quiet and quick, I grabbed the Ugly Stick.